your magic lies in


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Aren't you exhausted? 

You’ve been doing the work, but still aren't seeing the results.

You're aware of the things you want to change - patterns to break, habits to create, goals to hit, relationships to heal. But you lack motivation and clarity on what action to take to get there.

You’re sick of the way you talk to yourself. You see it affecting your relationship with your body, your anxiety levels, your belief in yourself. But you can’t help it. You're your worst critic.

You don’t trust your ability to make decisions, stick to things, or create meaningful change.

You know deep in your bones that there's a confident, radiant version of you who's ready to break free and step into Her Power. You just don't know how to harness that energy.

If this is you, of course you've landed here. There is no such thing as coincidence.

It's time to reclaim your confidence, your peace and your connection to Self.


That guides you back to You. 

Together, you will journey through Chelsea's 3-phase coaching method, The Transformation Trinity.


Your relationship to the Self.

In this phase, you transform your inner dialogue, transmute self-judgment into compassion, and ultimately develop an unwavering love for Self.

Modalities include story shifting, emotional regulation, Inner Child and parts work, reparenting, nervous system rewiring and more.


Your relationship to the Process.

In this phase, you create habits that support your day-to-day productivity, flow and peace. You learn to trust your Intuition and let Spirit take the lead.

Modalities include the surrender formula, perspective shifting, habit formation, intuitive decision making and more.


Your relationship to the Desire.

In this phase, you cultivate clarity and certainty in Self, develop a strong relationship to confidence, and ultimately take aligned action to bring your dreams to fruition.

Modalities include victim shifting, Higher Self alignment, desired outcome clarity, the momentum formula, accountability systems and more.

hi, I'm Chelsea.

I'm a Life Coach.

My work is rooted in relearning compassion and cultivating radical self-love. 

I believe that healing is nuanced and we're all on our own journey in our own timeline. I also believe there are certain tools and practices that will aid you in your quest regardless of where you are in it.

As a coach, I've combined and packaged these tools into The Transformation Trinity. This method gives you a roadmap to heal your past, relish in your present and build a future you're obsessed with.

So, what do you say?

Let's Transform.

"You know when something big happens in your life and it forever separates things into 'before' and 'after' that event? Yes, THAT is what it has been like for me working with Chelsea."

Ashlena, Texas

"20/10, a 5 star experience, even Rotten Tomatoes would rate her coaching a 100%. I recommend that everyone (and I mean everyone) tries this out. Don't wait!"

Alex, Hawaii

"It's kind of like having a therapist, but on steroids...she's really helped me improve my overall mentality, raise my baseline level of happiness and increase my resiliency around things."

Kat, Michigan


What's included?

This is private coaching. So, everything is tailored to you and your specific needs and desires.

You can expect...

  • 15 private, hour-long coaching sessions
  • 24/7 support via text to stay focused and receive guidance between sessions
  • Weekly customized action plans for continued focus and exponential growth
  • Daily text check-ins for accountability (optional though encouraged)
  • Post-session recap emails, summarizing each call's key takeaways along with your customized action plan
  • Library of your sessions for personal reference (all are recorded; lifetime access)

get the details:

I'm gifting you a FREE session!

I'll have you share what's on your heart - your fears, your dreams, everything in between. You'll get a feel for my energy and coaching style. From there, we'll decide if we're a fit to work together. All you have to do is enter your name and email above. I'll reach out to schedule. I look forward to meeting you where you're at.

thank you,
thank you,
thank you,