welcome to your 


The Table of Transformation 


The Table is the women's group coaching membership that guides you back to You. In this membership, there are countless ways to receive support.

We host weekly calls, where you have the opportunity to receive coaching and direct feedback from Chelsea. These calls are potent. Prepare to experience breakthroughs by simply showing up and listening.

She also has a members-only podcast. Each month, you submit your questions and she records an episode with her answers.

There's a Content Studio with videos that take you through The Transformation Trinity, the exact methodology she coaches her private clients through. This helps you build the skill self-healing.

Plus, she frequently does giveaways for free private sessions!

Finally, the Community. This is the best part. All of the women at The Table stay connected and engaged through an app. You have 24/7 support at your fingertips. 

There is an incredible group of women at The Table, ready and excited to welcome you with open arms.

this is your membership.

get on the waitlist.

The Table

the women's group coaching membership.

It's time to come back to yourself.

This membership guides you back to You. It is a sacred space for your ever-evolving transformation, healing your whole timeline...

  • Past: process trauma, understand your triggers, pursue forgiveness, heal your Inner Child & more
  • Present: connect with your intuition, create supportive habits, cultivate peace, confidence & unwavering self-love
  • Future: gain clarity, create action plans, consciously create the life you've been dreaming of

The Table includes...


There's a Content Studio with workshops, journal prompts, guided meditations and more. The workshops guide you through The Transformation Trinity, the exact methodology Chelsea coaches her private clients through. Plus, she hosts a members-only podcast where you submit questions and she answers.


Weekly coaching calls allow you to seek direct support, guidance and tailored action steps from Chelsea. These calls can also include guided meditations, group journaling, visualizations and more. There are also frequent opportunities to win free 1:1 sessions with her!


We stay connected and engaged through an app. This gives you 24/7 love and guidance at your fingertips. Here, we share our smallest of wins, grieve our biggest of losses and support each other through everything in between. Together we heal, we grow, we thrive.

The power in Community...

There is something magical about getting a group of likeminded women together with a shared mission to heal. You realize something quite special:

We are all so incredibly unique and exactly the same all at once. There's something deeply comforting in that. There's safety in it. That in and of itself, is healing.

The women in this membership show UP, for both themselves and for each other. It is immensely powerful and medicinal to have a space where we can celebrate, support, cherish and guide each other through the everyday unfolding of our lives.

Take a peak below to see what it's like to have a seat at The Table...

I'm IN.

Here's the truth...


You're not going to find anyone who cares more about their clients and community than Chelsea.

If you have been craving guidance, clarity, a stronger wellbeing, a space to feel seen or the pathway to becoming the next version of You...

You've found it. Deep exhale. This membership is it.

Watch this video to hear what some of her clients have to say.



hi, I'm Chelsea.

I'm a Life Coach.

I believe that healing is nuanced and we're all on our own journey in our own timeline. I also believe there are certain modalities and practices that will aid you in your quest, regardless of where you are in it.

As a coach, I combine and package those tools so you have a roadmap to heal your past, relish in your present and ultimately create the future of your dreams.

So, what do you say? 

Claim your seat.

"You know when something big happens in your life and it forever separates things into 'before' and 'after' that event? Yes, THAT is what it has been like for me working with Chelsea."

Ashlena, Texas

"It's kind of like having a therapist, but on steroids...she's really helped me improve my overall mentality, raise my baseline level of happiness and increase my resiliency around things."

Kat, Michigan

"20/10, a 5 star experience, even rotten tomatoes would rate her coaching a 100%. I recommend that everyone (and I mean everyone) tries this out. Don't wait!"

Alex, Hawaii

The Table is currently closed to the public.

Please enter your name and email below to be the first to find out when it reopens. 

We'll see you inside the vortex.

thank you, thank you, thank you,
